
The core of the VODCA package is the capability to create, administrate and use multiple longitudinal patient and outcome databases tailored to meet the needs in radiotherapy. This is done using the application "VODCA-DATABASE".
The application can be run either in Administrator, User or Guest mode.

  • Administrator Mode:
    • Create database,
    • Create and edit user defined fields,
    • Database user administration,
    • Backup, merge and migrate databases,
    • Edit static database information space.
  • User Mode:
    • General overview window: Edit dynamic database information space,
    • Input window: Data input, import, export and filtering,
    • Analysis window: Filter results, histograms & VODCA-R analysis.
  • Guest Mode:
    • Input window: Data filtering,
    • Analysis window: Filter results, histograms & VODCA-R analysis.



In preparation!


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