DICOM Server

dcm4che is a collection of open source applications and utilities for the healthcare IT. The project link is www.dcm4che.org Also contained within the dcm4che project is dcm4chee (the extra 'e' stands for 'enterprise'), which provides many robust and scalable services:

  • DICOM Storage, Query and Retrieve;
  • Other DICOM Services: MPPS, GPWL, MWL, Storage Committment, Instance Availability Notification, Study Content Notification, Output Content to CD Media, Hanging Protocols, and more;
  • Web access to the archived content (WADO and RID);
  • Web-based user interface for administrators;
  • An integrated HL7 server which can act on ADT, ORM, and ORU message types;
  • IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) Services: integrating with an XDS/ XDSI registry and repository, acting as a secure node, and providing compliant auditing.


The VODCA-dcm4chee version is pre-packaged and is based on Firebird® SQL database.



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